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Growth Spurts: Reno’s for your Growing Lifestyle vs. Selling

Growth Spurts: Reno’s for your Growing Lifestyle vs. Selling

After the tumultuous results of over-zealous lending to high risk-borrowers in the United States, the already conservative banks of Canada decided to add additional structure regarding home ownership. But with three boxes checked – a good credit rating, at least 20% equity left in your home, and proof of continuous and stable income, lenders are flexible in extending lines of credit that can be utilized in turning your crowded starter house into a spacious home you can grow into. Hold off calling your realtor to list until you know the full potential of the underused and unused space in your current home.

Basement Remodeling:

Traditionally basements were dark regions of the home that housed seasonal decorations and other items for your home that were not used on a regular basis. But what if you could double the square footage of your home without giving up the neighbourhood you’ve fallen in love with? Some of the common concerns homeowners express about a basement renovation can actually be seen as an opportunity! Are you not lucky enough to have a walk out basement that boasts an abundance of light, but love your bungalow to bits? Utilize the limited light to benefit a home theatre, or dark room. Basements tend to pull cooler temperatures than the above ground portions of a home. Utilize this natural A/C to transition your basement into an exercise room which can accommodate the big and at times bulky equipment needed all while saving you on a gym membership or high A/C costs. Or our personal favourite, perhaps the cooler climate can be used as a wine cellar! Trust us, there’s more to your basement than old Christmas decorations and handy-me-down furniture you haven’t parted with yet…

Garage Remodeling:

Many homeowners have found the the garage to be an adaptable space able to accommodate a home office, studio, or workshop while boasting the same comforts as the rest of the home including heating, cooling, phone wiring, and even plumbing. Storage is an important aspect of the garage to consider, should you feel that renovating will infringe on your already designated storage space you may opt to build a small storage shed to compensate for re-purposing the garage space. Sometimes the answer to more space can be as easy as looking up! Raising the roofline and adding a room above the garage can add substantial value to your home without changing the floor plan or minimizing storage options.

Attic Remodeling:

The large open space of attics affords the opportunity to convert a previously unused space into endless room opportunities. Similar to the options discussed in garage remodeling, the attic allows for the same comforts of the rest of the home including heating, cooling, phone wiring, and even plumbing. While every attic space is different, hiring a professional team like Accent Renovations helps ensure codes and safety standards are followed including the Rule of Seven which dictates at least half of a finished attic must be at least 7 feet high and a minimum of 7 feet wide, totalling 70 square feet. At Accent Renovations we lead the way in innovative design while strictly adhering to building codes and safety regulations.

So while we can all appreciate humming the 1982 Clash classic ‘Should I stay or should I go now?’ while considering whether to renovate or move, don’t let the perceived spatial limitations of your current home be the deciding factor of if you sell. The renovation professionals at Accent Renovations are extremely passionate about turning your house back into a home that will accommodate your growing family or changing lifestyle. Leave indecisiveness behind and enjoy your home the way you were meant to!

We are your local award-winning renovation professionals with a conscience for the environment. For any renovation project, contact us online or give us a call (250) 869-7525