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Want to know how you can avoid taking on unneeded costly repairs down the road?

Our home exterior takes a beating during the winter, as spring approaches and warmer weather is just around the corner, it’s important to take care of your home and perform necessary spring home maintenance. We often look to spring as a time to start our renovation projects, therefore it’s important to take a look around and inspect your property so your home is ready for the spring season and for any home renovations you may be planning. So in addition to shedding those winter coats and boots, as we head into spring, here’s some helpful tips to get you prepared! 

Kelowna Renovators | Accent Renovations | Residential renovations

Spring Home Maintenance


1.Check Your Foundation – exterior siding/brick/masonry

Cracking and flaking, can be present in homes. Not only do they decrease your home’s curb appeal, but they could also be a warning sign of a much larger problem. Be sure to inspect every nook and cranny and use quality products when repairing yourself or call in a professional so they can use their expertise to access the situation.

2. Look Up Top – Roof

Many people don’t think about their roof until a leak appears. Regular inspection and maintenance of your roof is needed to reduce the likelihood of premature leaks and aging. Roofs are exposed to sunlight, rain, snow, hail, wind and temperature changes that gradually break down the roofing materials. Eventually, the roof will need to be replaced. However, with proper maintenance and care, you can maximize the service life of your roof.

3. Seal Windows, Doors and Gaps

Your windows and doors are an important element of your home’s security, energy efficiency, and appeal. Performing proper maintenance will make your windows perform better, last longer, and look more appealing.

4. Gutters, Downspouts & Drains

Gutter cleaning matters because they drain the water from your roof and funnel it to the ground, preventing damage to the structure. If your gutters and downspouts are clogged, costly problems may result, including: mould, leaks, foundation cracks – just to name a few!

5. Balconies, Decks & Stairs

Annual deck cleaning and maintenance will forestall repairs and protect your investment. Because decks are exposed to the elements all year round, it’s a good idea to establish a routine of upkeep that’ll protect your deck and prevent expensive repairs. Outdoor wooden stairs are exposed to heat, moisture, dust and other elements. It’s more prone to wear and tear, and algae growth or mildew. Make sure to thoroughly clean and seal the surface of your outdoor stairs. Once every 1-3 years is recommended.

Kelowna Renovators | Accent Renovations | Residential renovations


If you have any work that requires a professional, we encourage you to put your home into the hands of reliable and qualified contractors to get the job done right. Keep in mind that all home renovations involve a lot of time, many phases and contractor schedules fill up fast once spring arrives. To secure a contractor you should start the planning process ahead of time! #AccentRenovations would be pleased to assist you in your next exterior home renovation

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